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Spawnia, or Spawn, is a protected custom dimension and starting place of all players who join Prism Party Survival. As the name implies, Spawnia acts as the Survival server's spawn—a protected region managed by Staff created to provide players with server information and short-term gameplay options outside of the The Overworld. Players cannot build within Spawnia, are immune to damage and hunger, and cannot be targeted by mobs or other players, except for in special areas.
Spawnia has no fixed size or scale; much of the world is divided into multiple "regions", each with its own designated function and purpose. Players can travel between different spawn regions using /warp or by running through designated "warp roads" within the boundaries of some areas. The first region players gain access to upon joining the server is the Tutorial. Following this, players can enter the main Spawn region by running /spawn.
Unlike all other worlds in Survival, Spawnia is a permanent world and never resets, even following changes in season.
Central Spawnia
The primary region of Spawnia and the area immediately available to players upon running /spawn. Central Spawnia contains warps to nearly all other spawn regions.
The first region players join into upon joining the server. This region contains an optional server tutorial designed to give players an introduction into the gameplay experience on Prism Party.
Shopping District
Split into North and South shops within Central Spawnia, this region is one large collection of player-run shops. Here, players can claim shops, sell or buy items, and trade with other players using the server's economy features.
Gem Park
Gem Park is the server's Kit and Crate area. Here, players can open crates from their earned keys and win custom items.